

Job / Jb 8:1 Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said, Dia namaly Bildada Sohita ka nanao hoe: Dia niteny Baldada avy any Sohe tamin' izay ka nanao hoe: Bildad de Shuah prit la parole et dit :
Job / Jb 8:2 How long wilt thou speak these things? and how long shall the words of thy mouth be like a strong wind? Mandra-pahoviana no hiteny toy izany ianao, ka ho rivotra mahery ny teny aloaky ny vavanao? Mandra-pahoviana no hanaovanao teny toy izany, sy vava miloaka toy ny tafio-drivotra mifofofofo? Jusqu'à quand parleras-tu de la sorte et tiendras-tu des propos semblables à un grand vent ?
Job / Jb 8:3 Doth God pervert judgment? or doth the Almighty pervert justice? Andriamanitra va hamadika ny fitsarana, na ny Tsitoha hamadika ny rariny? Andriamanitra va hampandefitra ny rariny, ny Tsitoha va hamadika ny fahamarinana? Dieu peut-il fléchir le droit, Shaddaï fausser la justice ?
Job / Jb 8:4 If thy children have sinned against him, and he have cast them away for their transgression; Raha nanota taminy ny zanakao, dia efa nampanodiaviny azy ny fahadisoany. Ny zanakao aloha raha nanota taminy, dia natolony ho eo am-pelatanan' ny haratsiany. Si tes fils ont péché contre lui, il les a livrés au pouvoir de leur faute.
Job / Jb 8:5 If thou wouldest seek unto God betimes, and make thy supplication to the Almighty; Fa raha ianao kosa mandroso mitady an' Andriamanitra ka mifona amin' ny Tsitoha. Hianao kosa, raha mangata-bonjy amin' Andriamanitra hianao, raha mitalaho amin' ny Tsitoha hianao, Quant à toi, si tu recherches Dieu, si tu implores Shaddaï,
Job / Jb 8:6 If thou wert pure and upright; surely now he would awake for thee, and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous. Ary raha madio sy mahitsy ianao, dia hifoha hamonjy anao tokoa Izy ary hampiadana indray ny fonenan' ny fahamarinanao, raha madio sy mahitsy fo hianao, dia hiambina anao izy, haveriny amin' ny fiadanany indray ny fonenan' ny fahamarinanao, si tu es irréprochable et droit, dès maintenant il veillera sur toi et il restaurera ta place et ton droit.
Job / Jb 8:7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Ka na dia kely aza no niandohanao, dia ho lehibe indrindra no hiafaranao. ka hataonao ho zavatra kely foana ny toetranao voalohany noho ny faharoa efa lasa ambony loatra. Ta condition ancienne te paraîtra comme rien, si grand sera ton avenir.
Job / Jb 8:8 For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers: Fa masìna ianao, anontanio ange ny ntaolo, ka fantaro ny hevitra hitan' ny razany Anontanio ange ny olona tany aloha; diniho ange izay efa notsapain' ny razana; Interroge la génération passée, médite sur l' expérience acquise par ses pères.
Job / Jb 8:9 (For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow:) (Fa vao omaly isika ka tsy mba mahalala, fa aloka ihany ny androntsika etý ambonin' ny tany); satria isika vao omaly, ka tsy mahalala na inona na inona, ny androntsika eto an-tany mihelina toy ny aloka, Nous, nés d' hier, nous ne savons rien, notre vie sur terre passe comme une ombre.
Job / Jb 8:10 Shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart? Tsy ireny va no hampianatra anao ka hilaza aminao ary hamoaka teny avy ao am-pony? fa ireny kosa, tsy hanoro anao sy hilaza aminao va, ka hamoaka oha-teny avy ao am-pony? Mais eux, ils t' instruiront, te parleront, et leur pensée livrera ces sentences :
Job / Jb 8:11 Can the rush grow up without mire? can the flag grow without water? Haniry va ny zozoro, raha tsy eny amin' ny fotaka? Hitrebona va ny harefo, raha tsy misy rano? Maniry eny ivelan' ny heniheny va ny zozoro? mitrebona tsy misy rano va ny harefo? " Le papyrus pousse-t-il hors des marais ? Privé d' eau, le jonc peut-il croître ?
Job / Jb 8:12 Whilst it is yet in his greenness, and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb. Mbola maitso izy sady tsy voajinja, kanefa malazo alohan' ny zava-maitso rehetra. Mbola tanora, tsy voatapaka akory izy, dia maina, alohan' ny zava-maitso eny an-tsaha. Quand il est encore dans sa fraîcheur et non cueilli, avant toute autre herbe il se dessèche.
Job / Jb 8:13 So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite' s hope shall perish: Toy izany no lalan' izay rehetra manadino an' Andriamanitra; Ary ho very ny fanantenan' ny mpihatsaravelatsihy, Toy izany koa no lalan-kalehan' izay manadino an' Andriamanitra, ho levona ny fanantenan' ny tsy mpivavaka. Tel est le sort de ceux qui oublient Dieu, ainsi périt l' espoir de l' impie.
Job / Jb 8:14 Whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider' s web. Fa ho maito ny fanantenany, eny, ho tranon-kala ny tokiny. Ho maito ny tokiny, hanahaka ny tranon-kala ny fitokiany. Sa confiance n' est que filandre, sa sécurité, une toile d' araignée.
Job / Jb 8:15 He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand: he shall hold it fast, but it shall not endure. Miankina amin' ny tranony izy, kanjo tsy maharitra iny; Mihazona azy mafy izy, kanjo tsy mahazaka azy iny. Miankina amin' ny tranony izy, nefa tsy mafy orina io; mifikitra aminy izy, nefa tsy mahajoro io. S' appuie-t-il sur sa demeure, elle ne tient pas; s' y cramponne-t-il, elle ne résiste pas.
Job / Jb 8:16 He is green before the sun, and his branch shooteth forth in his garden. Mitsimoka tsara tandrifin' ny masoandro izy, ary ny rantsany misandrahaka eo amin' ny tanimboliny; Be aina eo ambany masoandro izy; misandrahaka eo amin' ny tanimboliny, ny rantsany; Plein de sève au soleil, au-dessus du jardin il lançait ses jeunes pousses.
Job / Jb 8:17 His roots are wrapped about the heap, and seeth the place of stones. Mifelipelika mifaniditra eo amin' ny korontam-bato ny fakany ary mahazo any anelanelany; mifaniditra eo amin' ny korontam-bato ny fakany; tafalentika hatreo ambanin' ny vato izy. Ses racines entrelacées sur un tertre pierreux, il puisait sa vie au milieu des rochers.
Job / Jb 8:18 If he destroy him from his place, then it shall deny him, saying, I have not seen thee. Kanjo nony fongorany hiala amin' ny fitoerany izy, dia handà azy izany ka hanao hoe: Tsy mbola nahita anao akory aho. Raha voafongotra teo amin' ny fitoerany izy, dia lavin' ny fitoerany ataony hoe: Tsy nahita anao na oviana na oviana aho. On l' arrache de son lieu; son lieu le renie : "Je ne t' ai jamais vu! "
Job / Jb 8:19 Behold, this is the joy of his way, and out of the earth shall others grow. Indro, izany ihany no fifalian' ny lalan-kalehany; ary hisy hafa indray mitrebona avy amin' ny vovoka. Ka tapitra hatreo ny fijaliany fa hafa indray no hisandratra avy amin' io tany io. Et le voilà pourrissant sur le chemin, tandis que du sol, d' autres germent.
Job / Jb 8:20 Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers: Indro, Andriamanitra tsy hanary ny olona tsy manan-tsiny ary tsy hitantana ny mpanao ratsy; Tsia, Andriamanitra tsy manary ny tsy manan-tsiny; izy tsy mitantana ny mpanao ratsy. Non, Dieu ne rejette pas l' homme intègre, il ne prête pas main-forte aux méchants.
Job / Jb 8:21 Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing. Mbola hofenoiny hehy ny vavanao sy hoby ny molotrao. Hataony feno hehy mikakakaka ny rovanao, hataony eo amin' ny molotrao ny hira fifaliana. Le rire peut de nouveau remplir ta bouche, la joie éclater sur tes lèvres.
Job / Jb 8:22 They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the dwelling place of the wicked shall come to nought. Izay mankahala anao hitafy henatra; Ary tsy hisy intsony ny lain' ny ratsy fanahy. Ho safo-kenatra ny fahavalonao; ary ho fongotra ny lain' ny ratsy fanahy. Tes ennemis seront couverts de honte, et la tente des méchants disparaîtra.
