
Toko sy andininy momba Lidiana

  Book of Jeremiah Jeremia Jeremia Livre de Jérémie
Jer / Jr 46.9 Come up, ye horses; and rage, ye chariots; and let the mighty men come forth; the Ethiopians and the Libyans, that handle the shield; and the Lydians, that handle and bend the bow. Miakara, ianareo soavaly, ary miriota toy ny adala, ianareo kalesy; Ary aoka hivoaka ny lehilahy mahery, dia ny Etiopiana sy ny Libyana, izay mitana ampinga, ary ny Lydiana, izay mitana sy manenjana tsipìka. Mandrosoa, ry soavaly; Mirimorimoa, ry kalesy! Miaingà, ry mpiady! Ry Etiopiana sy Libiana mitanà ampinga, Ry Lidiana, mitanà sy manenjàna tsipìka! Chevaux, chargez! Chars, foncez! Que s' avancent les guerriers, gens de Kush et de Put, porteurs de boucliers, Ludiens qui bandez l' arc!"

  Book of Ezekiel Ezekiela Ezekiela Livre d'Ezéchiel
Eze / Ez 27.10 They of Persia and of Lud and of Phut were in thine army, thy men of war: they hanged the shield and helmet in thee; they set forth thy comeliness. Ny avy any Persia sy ny Lydiana ary ny Libyana dia isan' ny miaramila mpiadinao; Nanantona ampinga sy fiarovan-doha teny aminao ireo ka nahatsara tarehy anao. Na Persa, na Lidiana, na Libiana, dia samy isan' ny miaramilanao. Ireny no lehilahy mpiadinao, nahantony teo aminao ny satroka fiarovana aman' ampinga, mampanetriketrika ny voninahitrao izy, mahamendrimendrika anao ery. Ceux de Perse, de Lud et de Put servaient dans ton armée comme gens de guerre; ils suspendaient chez toi le bouclier et le casque, ils faisaient ta splendeur.

  Book of Nahum Nahoma Nahoma Livre de Nahum
Nah Na 3.9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite; Put and Lubim were thy helpers. Ny Etiopiana sy ny Egyptiana no heriny, Sady tsy hita lany ireny; Ny Lydiana sy ny Libyana no mpanampy azy. Etiopia no heriny, mbamin' ny Ejipta koa, ary be tsy hita isa ireny; Foty sy ny Libiana no mpanampy anao. Sa puissance, c'était Kush et l'Égypte, sans fin. Put et les Libyens étaient ses auxiliaires.