Teny iditra 1/2 Arfaksada
Sokajin-teny anaran-tsamirery (ara-baiboly) [fitanisana]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy Arphaxad [2.996]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Arpakshad [2.996]
Tovy hevitra Arpaksada
Teny nalaina avy amin' ny Baiboly 

Teny iditra 2/2 Arfaksada
Sokajin-teny anaran-tsamirery (ara-baiboly) [fitanisana]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy Arphaxad: a king who reigned over the Medes in Ecbatana and strenghtened the city by vast fortifications, and was afterward entirely defeated, taken and slain by Nabuchodonosor, king of Assyria; frequently identified with Deioces, the founder of Ecbatana; but more like his son Phraortes, who fell in a battle with the Assyrians, 668 BC. [1.114]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Arphaxad [2.996]
Teny nalaina avy amin' ny Baiboly 

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2021/07/22