Teny iditra | 1 mifontina |
Fototeny | 2 fontina |
Sokajin-teny | 3 matoantenin' ny mpanao |
Fanazavàna teny malagasy |
4 [1.1] Miverina mba hamely indray, miverina, mifotitra: Nifontina ireo dahalo namely afakomaly |
Fanazavàna teny anglisy |
5 [1.2] to entangle, as thread to vent one's displeasure on an innocent party in case of having no authority over the guilty to return to a fight after having been defeated. |
Haiendriteny |
Fivaditsoratra | 10 mifaninto, mifontina, notinafim |
Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2025/01/21 |
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