

2Tt / 2Tan 11:21 And Rehoboam loved Maachah the daughter of Absalom above all his wives and his concubines: (for he took eighteen wives, and threescore concubines; and begat twenty and eight sons, and threescore daughters.) Ary Rehoboama tia an' Imaka, zanakavavin' i Absaloma, mihoatra noho ny vadiny sy ny vaditsindranony rehetra (fa naka vady valo ambin' ny folo sy vaditsindrano enim-polo izy ka niteraka lahy valo amby roa-polo sy vavy enim-polo). Maakà zanakavavin' i Absaloma no tian-dRoboama indrindra, tamin' ny vadiny sy ny vaditsindranony rehetra, fa nanambady valo ambin' ny folo sy vaditsindrano enimpolo izy; ary niteraka lahy valo amby roapolo sy vavy enimpolo. Roboam aima Maaka, fille d' Absalom, plus que toutes ses autres femmes et concubines. Il avait en effet pris dix-huit femmes et soixante concubines, et engendré vingt-huit fils et soixante filles.