
  Teny nalaina : mananara

Sibree James : Fifty Years in Madagascar
takila 125
We set off on our journey on Thursday, June 18th, travelling over high, moory country, very sparsely inhabited, and coming on the Friday afternoon to a large village of seventy houses called Anjozorobe, situated on rising ground overlooking the valley of the Mananara river.
takila 79
On another occasion I was returning from the north, from one of my annual fortnights of school examinations, and had to cross the River Mananara at a place where I had not passed through it previously. Here the men sent one of their number ahead to test the depth, and as he decided that it was practicable, although deep, because the current was slow and gentle just there, my men took off everything they wore and cautiously stepped into the water, holding me high up at arm's length. Deeper and deeper it proved, as they felt their way step by step, until it reached their necks; and now the taller men had the advantage, for the short ones had to jump now and then to take breath, for the water was above their mouths! The river was broad there, and I was glad when the depth gradually decreased and we reached the shore in safety.