
  Teny nalaina : andriba

Ellis Stephen : Un Complot Colonial à Madagascar
takila 19
Le 22 août 1895, l'armée française trouve en face d'elle une position fortifiée, l'artillerie déjà en place. Les Malgaches sont là, le long de la crête d'Andriba, bien décidés à arrêter l'armée française. Mais, dès que celle-ci donne l'assaut, les Malgaches abandonnent leur position, ouvrant ainsi la route de Tananarive.

The New York Times
General Duchesne, the commander of the French forces operating in Madagascar, has informed the War Office under date of August 22, that the French have captured Andriba almost without a fight. His dispatch says: "We opened the attack yesterday. The enneny became demoralized by our artillery fire and quickly evacuated six fortified positions. We captured seven guns. The only losses sustained were the killing of one Malagassy sharpshooter and the wounding of an artilleryman."