
  Teny nalaina : antongona

1976Oberlé Philippe : Tananarive et l'Imerina
takila 149
... les deux roches de l'Antongona, de 1406 et 1512 mètres d'altitude, constituaient autrefois de redoutables bastions naturels. Un village était jadis installé sur l'étroite plate-forme du rocher supérieur. Des murailles de pierre sèches prolongeaient les défenses naturelles.

Callet François (s.j.) : Tantara ny Andriana

Mullens Joseph : Twelve Months in Madagascar
takila 191
We left the capital on Tuesday, April 14th, at ten o'clock, having planned to accomplish but a single stage on the first day of the journey. As our route lay along the south border of Imerina, we crossed the Ikopa, and three of its tributaries, and bent our steps towards Antongona, one of the most striking hills in the province...Antongona is a noble hill of gneiss, running nearly east and west. Its name seems to recognise its resemblance to the human foot. It consist of two sections, and in the centre of the western part is a lofty mass of rocks, round which a number of houses are clustered. We climbed to the summit (570 feet above the plain); obtained important observations : and had a striking view of the country, which lay clear beneath us on every side.