Sombiny |
7 | 35 | Still, by the early twentieth century, Gallieni's ruthless practices had been challenged even within the French colonial system. Victor Augagneur, the Socialist governor of Madagascar between 1905 and 1910, though every bit as much an anticlerical and republican, proved more conciliatory and understanding toward indigenous elites in particular. In an important and damning condemnation of colonial excesses published in 1927, Augagneur vehemently denounced colonial abuses while at the same time outlining a policy of "liberal colonial reform." |
8 | 62 | A law of April 17, 1942, called for the revocation of French citizenship for "formerly native (indigène) French citizens" who had been imprisoned or found guilty of "anti-French activities". This denaturalization was further extended to the family of the person in question. By virtue of this legislation, one of the fathers of Malagasy nationalism, Jules Ranaivo, nationalized in 1922, was stripped of his French citizenship on July 2, 1942. |