
Teny iditra (1/2)1  bonto
Sokajin-teny  2  mpamaritra
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  3  ignorant of that which is useful and beneficial. Said of one who ignores the value of amulets and charms (Prov.) [1.2]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  4  qui ignore ce qui est bon. [Tankarana] [1.19]

Teny iditra (2/2)5  bonto
Sokajin-teny  6  anarana
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  7  the crest of poultry and other birds (?) [1.2]
Voambolana  8  Haibiby: (amin' ny ankapobeny)

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2020/07/31