
Teny iditra (1/3)1  MPF    
Sokajin-teny  2  anarana (fanafohezanteny) [Fitanisana]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  3  [3.1] Mining Policy Framework
Ohatra  4  IGF member governments are committed to implementing their sustainable mining goals. Numerous members have requested assistance from the IGF Secretariat in evaluating their policies through Mining Policy Framework (MPF) Assessments. The IGF has completed six MPF Assessments to date—in the Dominican Republic, Uganda, Madagascar, Senegal, Suriname and Mongolia [5.en.http://igfmining.org/mpf-reports/]
Voambolana  5  Toe-karena: (amin' ny ankapobeny)

Teny iditra (2/3)6  MPF    
Sokajin-teny  7  anarana (fanafohezanteny) [Fitanisana]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  8  [3.1] Merchandise Processing Fee
Ohatra  9  In addition to reducing or eliminating duties, some of these trade agreements or programs also eliminate the Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) that is due on import shipments... Eligible beneficiary countries: ... Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius ... [5.en.http://www.dhl-usa.com/content/dam/downloads/us/express/local_other/dhl_us_customs_import_guide.pdf]
Voambolana  10  Toe-karena: varotra
Mpanahaka  11  mpf

Teny iditra (3/3)12  MPF    
Sokajin-teny  13  anarana (fanafohezanteny) [Fitanisana]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  14  [3.1] Mission Protestante Française
Ohatra  15  Voulant donner un sens et un but à sa vie, il s'offrit à la Société des Missions Evangéliques de Paris (dite Mission Protestante Française ou MPF). Mais une lettre de Lauga à la direction de cette société réclamait d'urgence l'envoi des scolaires français à Madagascar pour montrer que "qui dit protestant peut dire français." [5.fr.http://www.dacb.org/stories/madagascar/f-mondain_gustavestephane.html]
Voambolana  16  Fikambanana
Mpanahaka  17  mpf

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2024/12/12