
Teny iditra1  G    g    
Sokajin-teny  2  anarana (eva)
Fanazavàna teny malagasy  3  [1.1] Tarehintsoratra fahenina ary renisoratra fahefatra amin'ny abidy malagasy, mitonona hoege nagy.
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  4  [1.2] the sixth letter of the Malagasy Alphabet. It is always sounded as the hard g in English. Wherever the letter i (or y) precedes g, another is sounded slightly after it for euphony. Thus gadra, a chain, is pronounced as spelled, but migadra is pronounced migiadra. When a trisyllabic word ending in the weak syllables -na (or -ny), -ka, or -tra is joined to another commencing with g, the g remains unchanged, but the -na (or -ny) loses the a (or y), as: tranon-goaika [tranony goaika]; the -ka and the -tra are elided, as tapa-gilasy [tapaka and gilasy]; tongo-goaika [tongotra and goaika]. When the verbal prefix man- is joined to words commencing with h, the h is sometimes changed to g, as mangalatra [man- and halatra]. In some cases of roots commencing with a vowel the letter g is inserted for euphony, as: mangala [man- and ala], mangetotra [man- and etotra].
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  5  [1.3] Sixième lettre et quatrième consonne de l'alphabet malgache; il se prononce toujours dur.
Mpanahaka  6  abidy
Tsanganana sy sary iray takila  7  Ny abidia
Lahatsoratra  8  Andriamihaja Solonavalona: Ny fivoaran'ny abidia malagasy

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2024/12/21