
Teny iditra1  ahibalala
Singan-teny  2  ahitra, valala
Sokajin-teny  3  anarana
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  4  [1.2] [Betsileo] a plant which the Betsileo give as an antidote when the poisonous insect called tsingala has accidentally been swallowed. A decoction is made of it mixed with leaves from the plants called sihanaka and verofehana, and given to drink.
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  5  [1.196] (de ahitra = herbe, et valala = sauterelle). Helichrysum rusillonii Hochr. (Asteraceae). Décocté en lotions et massages pour supprimer les contractures ; par la bouche, pectoral, antitussif. [Merina]
6  [Betsileo]
7  [Bara]
Voambolana  8  Haizavamaniry: zavamaniry fanao fanafody
Anarana ara-tsiansa 

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2024/10/14