
  Teny nalaina : maromita

1838Ellis William : History of Madagascar
takila I.316
In connection with these occupations, those of the marmittes maro-mita -- many passing or crossing to and fro], native coolies or bearers of burden, may be mentioned: they belong almost exclusively to the race of the Bezanozano

1915Sibree James : A Naturalist in Madagascar
takila 27
There were but three modes of conveyances -- viz. one's own legs, the lakana or canoe, and the filanjana or palanquin. We intended to make use of all these means of getting over the ground (and water); but by far the greater part of the journey of two hundred and twenty miles would be performed in the filanjana, carried on the sinewy shoulders of our bearers or maromita. This was the conveyance of the country (and it is still used a good deal);
takila 29
Most of my maromita were strong and active young men, spare and lithe of limb, and proved to possess great powers of endurance. The loads they carried were not very heavy, but it was astonishing to see with what steady patience they bore them hour after hour under a burning sun, and up and down paths in the forest, where their progress was often but a scrambling from one foothold to another.