
Teny iditra (1/2)1  railovy
Sokajin-teny  2  anarana
Fanazavàna teny malagasy  3  [1.1] Karazam-boron-kely sady tsara feo no tsara tarehy fa misy sangany misandrahaka ohatra ny fikopaka eo ambony lohany ka nahatonga ny olona hanome azy ny anarana hoe andriamborona
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  4  [1.2#491] [Lovy, see lovilovy.] A species of king-crow, a family of birds sometimes called Drongo shrikes, probably from the Betsimisaraka name Drongo. It is bluish black in colour, and has a long forked tail hence its specific name. Dicrurus forficatus, L. Same as andovy, drongo, leidorongo, raidonga, railomba and tsaramaso.
5  [1.7] a black songbird
6  [3.1] black crested drongo
7  [2.190#303] crested drongo
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  8  [1.8] oiseau noir aux beaux chants
9  [2.191#349] drongo malgache
Ohatra  10  Izany angamba no nilazana fa mpanjakan' ny vorona ny railovy. [2.445]
Voambolana  11  Haibiby: vorona
Anarana ara-tsiansa 
13  14 

Teny iditra (2/2)15  railovy
Sokajin-teny  16  anarana
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  17  [1.54] oiseau censé être le roi des êtres à plumes
Ohatra  18  Izany angamba no nilazana fa mpanjakan' ny vorona ny railovy. [2.445]
Voambolana  19  Fivavahana, finoana

Fivaditsoratra  20  lairovy, railovy, vilaory

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2025/02/02