Teny iditra 1/7 fony
Sokajin-teny mpampitohy [fitanisana]
Fanazavàna teny malagasy Teny mpampiankina fehezan-kevitra, enti-milaza fotoana efa lasa ela, mitovy amin' ny hoe "nony", "tamin' ny": Fony nitsangantsangana tany Ambohidroa izahay nihaza voromailala. / Fony Rabe minisitry ny fambolena no nividiananay itỳ trano itỳ [1.1]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy When. It is always used of a past time [1.2]
 When (in the past); Fony zaza aho (When I was a child) [1.7]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Du temps de, lorsque, quand: Fony fahavelony R... (Du vivant de N...) [1.3]
 Quand (dans le passé): Fony zaza aho (Quand j'étais enfant) [1.8]
 Du temps que, lorsque (passé) [1.5]
Mpanahaka  nony ~ rehefa ~ raha

Teny iditra 2/7 fony
Sokajin-teny anarana
Fanazavàna teny malagasy  [Tanala] Karazan-trondro an-dranomamy [1.78]
 Hazandrano toy ny marakely [1.1]
 [ fôny ] Karazan-trondron-dranomamy [1.13]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  [Provincial] The name of a kind of fish [1.2]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Espèce de poisson [1.3]
  [Tankarana] [ fôny ] Nom d'une espèce de poisson; voir marakely [1.19]
 [ fôny ] Espèce de poisson d'eau douce [1.13]
Mpanahaka  fonisily ~ fonivaza ~ fonivendrana

Teny iditra 3/7 fony
Sokajin-teny anarana
Fanazavàna teny malagasy Karazam-boromailala manga [1.1]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy A species of pigeon, belonging to a genus peculiar to Madagascar. Alectroenas madagascariensis, L. Same as foningo [1.2]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Pigeon bleu ( Columba madagascariensis, Boddaert) [1.3]
Anarana siantifika Alectroenas madagascariensis, Columba madagascariensis
Tovy hevitra foningo

Teny iditra 4/7 fony
Sokajin-teny anarana
Fanazavàna teny anglisy Adansonia [2.515]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  [Mahafaly, Sakalava] Adansonia fony (Malvaceae). Graines alimentaires, riches en huile et en protéines. Écorces à fibres ; moelle donnée comme fourrage aux boeufs en cas de sécheresse prolongée. [1.196]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy Small to large deciduous trees (5-20 m) with cylindrical, bottle-shaped, or, rarely, tapering trunks, usually with a distinct constriction beneath the branches. Crown irregular, major branches most often horizontal becoming erect distally, rarely conical spines on upper surfaces of branches. Bark usually reddish brown and exfoliating...

Adansonia rubrostipa extends along the west coast of Madagascar from near Itampolo in the southwest to Soalala in the northwest. It mainly occurs in spiny forest and dry deciduous forest on well-drained calcareous soils and on karstic limestone...

Adansonia rubrostipa has edible fruits, seeds, and roots (Perrier de la Bâthie, 1952b, 1953), but there is no documentation of them being utilized extensively in Madagascar. In Toliara, A. rubrostipa fruits are sometimes sold in the market. They are collected by climbing the small trees, often with the aid of wooden pegs hammered into the trunks. In the vicinity of Morondava, the wood of fire-killed trees is used as thatching (in the same manner as A. grandidieri). A species of fungus, with an edible and much sought after fruiting body, is said to grow only on dead A. rubrostipa and A. grandidieri trunks (Cabanis et al., 1970; personal observation)...

In view of its extensive geographical distribution Adansonia rubrostipa is conservationally secure, although some populations, such as those 30 km north of Toliara, are threatened by forest destruction for charcoal extraction. In western deciduous forests close to Morondava, A. rubrostipa is the dominant tree species and provides an important resource for lemurs (nectar, gum, insects) and insects (sap, nectar, leaves, seeds, and pollen) and probably other animals as well... [5.en.http://www.buzau.com/baobab/fony.htm]

Anarana siantifika Adansonia fony, Adansonia rubrostipa

Teny iditra 5/7 fony
Sokajin-teny anarana
Fanazavàna teny anglisy Adansonia [2.515]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  [Sakalava] Adansonia madagascariensis Baill. et Adansonia za Baill. (Malvaceae), espèces ainsi nommées surtout pour les exemplaires jeunes. Graines alimentaires, riches en huile et en protéines. Écorces à fibres ; moelle donnée comme fourrage aux boeufs en cas de sécheresse prolongée. [1.196]
Anarana siantifika Adansonia madagascariensis, Adansonia za

Teny iditra 6/7 fony (fo, -ny)
Sokajin-teny anarana fo sy mpisolo
Fanazavàna teny anglisy His heart, her heart, its heart, their hearts [3.1]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Son coeur, leur coeurs [3.1]
1Nitepotepo aoka izany ny fony. [2.499]
2May hoatry ny nodoran'afo ny fony. [2.324]

Teny iditra 7/7 ... fo ny ...
Sokajin-teny Tsy lazaina (teny sasany)
1Mazava fo ny Sakalava [2.643]
2Mamin' ny fo ny faniriana tanteraka [2.996]


Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2024/03/30