

Sal 149:1 Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. Haleloia. Mihirà fihiram-baovao ho an' i Jehovah, Ny fiderana Azy eo amin' ny fiangonan' ny olona masina. Aleloia! Mihirà fihiram-baovao ho an' ny Tompo: hanakoako eo amin' ny fiangonan' ny olomasina anie ny fiderana azy! Alleluia! Chantez à Yahvé un chant nouveau sa louange dans l' assemblée des siens!
Sal 149:2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Aoka ny Isiraely hifaly amin' ny Mpanao azy; Aoka ho finaritra amin' ny Mpanjakany ny zanak' i Ziona. Hifaly amin' ny Mpahary azy anie Israely, hientan-karavoana amin' ny Mpanjakany anie ny zanak' i Siona! Joie pour Israël en son auteur, pour les fils de Sion, allégresse en leur roi,
Sal 149:3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. Aoka hidera ny anarany amin' ny dihy izy Sy hankalaza Azy amin' ny ampongatapaka sy ny lokanga. Aoka izy ireo hidera ny anarany amin' ny dihiny; aoka hihira azy amin' ny ampongatapaka sy ny harpa! louange à son nom par la danse, pour lui, jeu de harpe et de tambour!
Sal 149:4 For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation. Fa sitrak' i Jehovah ny olony; Ravahany famonjena ny mpandefitra. Fa ankasitrahan' ny Tompo ny vahoakany; manome voninahitra ny ambany toetra, amin' ny famonjeny azy izy. Car Yahvé se complaît en son peuple, de salut il pare les humbles,
Sal 149:5 Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Aoka ny olona masina hifaly amin' ny voninahitra; Aoka hihoby tsara eo am-pandriany izy. Mandresy amim-boninahitra ny mpino, mientan-kafaliana eo am-pandriany izy ireo. les siens jubilent de gloire, ils acclament depuis leur place
Sal 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand; Aoka hisy fanandratana an' Andriamanitra eo am-bavany Sy sabatra roa lela eny an-tànany, Eo am-bavany ny fiderana an' Andriamanitra, ary eo an-tànany ny sabatra roa lela. les éloges de Dieu à pleine gorge, à pleines mains l'épée à deux tranchants;
Sal 149:7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; Hamaliany ny Jentilisa Sy hamaizany ny firenena maro, Mba hanao famaliana an' ireo firenena, sy hamay an' ireo vahoaka, pour exercer sur les peuples vengeance, sur les nations le châtiment,
Sal 149:8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; Hamatorany ireo mpanjakany amin' ny gadra, Sy ny olo-malazany amin' ny gadra vy. mba hamatotra ny mpanjakan' ireny amin' ny gadra, ary ny olo-malazan' ireny amin' ny gadra vy; pour lier de chaînes leurs rois, d' entraves de fer leurs notables,
Sal 149:9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord. Mba hanaovany ny fitsarana voasoratra: Voninahitry ny olony masina rehetra Izany. Haleloia. mba hampihatra amin' izy ireo ny teny fitsarana voasoratra: Voninahitra voatokana ho an' ny mpino azy rehetra izany. Aleloia! pour leur appliquer la sentence écrite gloire en soit à tous les siens!
